Friday, February 28, 2014

Face Me, Fight Me

You put the rules on me, always trying to bring me down. You limit my internet, restrict my books and yet you still have no power. Handcuff my hands together and I'll still write. I like this little game we play, where you think you have any sense of power and I break all your rules anyway. I'm a force and there are many more like me, so many more who will fight back. We are the the ones who learned how not to break the rules and yet break them at the same time. We learned how to fight the power and never get in trouble. You live in a world of contracts and limitations; a world where the rules are outlined and there are no ways around them. You live in a world where you cannot escape the pens and papers you signed. We are the loop holes, the system breakers and the code chasers. We read the fine print, we know where your power ends. We know how to swim off the deep end. The more rules you impose, the more creative we get.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Love Me?

I want to understand forever. I want to grasp how long it really is. We spend so much time thinking in the now that we never get a sense of forever. Well I want to know how long it is. I want to see the end of the Earth and forget all sense of time. I want to see the day forever stops and there is nothing. I want to see the death of the human race and I want to see it with you. So what do you say? Can we see forever together?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valen-fucking-tines Day

I don't give shit if you're in love, you rub that in my face every other day of the year. I don't give a damn that he did something so cute. I don't want to hear about how romantic your night was and I don't want to hear about all the useless shit you got. Those chocolates are gonna make you sick anyway. So stop rubbing it in my damn face that you're in love and had a happy day together. Even though if you do anything overly romantic today, it just means you aren't in love. Anyone who really fell in love, would show it every day, not just the gift giving holidays. With their actions and words and little bits of love every single day. If this is the day you get overly romantic, then I hope you two love your short relationship together.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Distance, Make the Heart Grow

We'll be far away. We won't be able to touch. Skin to skin gone when I get on that plane. I've made up my mind, I'll go if I get the chance. I feel as if I'm dooming the two of us. Will we survive? Can we thrive? So far away. Three days without you and my heart feels like it's going to break. How will I survive four years? How will you? Will you leave me because I'm never around? I don't want this to end in tears but I feel like it may anyway. Is this what it feels like to grow up? The pain of the choices we make? Here I was having so much fun but this is weighing me down. How can I just jump into the void? I don't know if I'm ready for this. East coast to west coast.